Moving a Customer Order

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  5. Moving a Customer Order

Moving a Customer Order to a different Ambassador

If your customer accidentally placed an order under a different Ambassador’s name, but intended to place the order with you, please contact the Delight Center and they will be happy to assist you.  The Delight Center will need to confirm with your customer which Ambassador she intended to place the order with.

  • Please note, these adjustments can only be made within 7-days of when the order was placed, so be sure to reach out as soon as you can!

Moving a Customer Order to a different Event

If your customer accidentally placed an order under a different Event than intended, please use the EventOrder Reassignment Request Form.  The Delight Center will then contact the Customer to verify all Event reassignment requests.

  • Please reference your Policies & Procedures 2.10 Timeframes for Sales Events Policy.

Note: Orders will be accepted a maximum of sixty (60) days prior to any scheduled Sales Event.  Only genuine customer errors will be considered acceptable reasons for moving sales orders.

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